

  • NOT-OD-24-163  NIH’s Adoption of Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support by May 25, 2025. NIH is adopting the Biographical Sketch Common Form and the Current and Pending (Other) Support Common Form for applications and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) effective for application due dates and report submission dates on or after May 25, 2025.  

  • Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry, Re-integration into, and Re-training in Health-Related Research Careers (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed). The goal of this NOSI is to provide information to the extramural community regarding an administrative supplement to provide full or part-time mentored research training experiences for individuals with high potential to re-enter, re-integrate into, or re-train in an active research career after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances as described below. The supplement grants are intended to provide these scientists with an opportunity to update or extend their research skills and knowledge and prepare them to re-establish or revitalize their careers in basic biomedical, behavioral, clinical, translational, or social science research. It is anticipated that by the completion of the supplement support period, the awardee will be prepared to apply for a fellowship (F), career development (K) award, a research award (R), SBIR/STTR, or other types of independent research support.


  •  Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Women’s Health Research. In alignment with the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest to highlight interest in receiving research applications focused on diseases and health conditions that predominantly affect women (e.g., autoimmune diseases; depressive disorders, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD), gender-based-violence), present and progress differently in women (e.g., cardiovascular disease; HIV; reproductive aging and its implications), or are female-specific (e.g., uterine fibroids; endometriosis; menopause).



  • CCRP Initiative: Chemical Threat Agent-Induced Pulmonary and Ocular Pathophysiological Mechanisms (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-ES-24-005). The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research seeking to understand fundamental mechanisms of chemical toxicity and to identify potential molecular/genetic targets that may be interrogated to reduce acute and/or long-term chronic adverse health effects after exposure of the lungs and eyes. Research Projects must address the scientific priorities of the Chemical Countermeasures Research Program (CCRP). Applications are due September 24, 2024; September 24, 2025; September 23, 2026.
  • FY25 SBIR Contract Topics. Explore the full listing of NCI topics at the link. Due Date for submissions is October 28, 2024, at 5pm EDT.

  • RFA-AI-24-041: Novel Approaches for Radiation Biodosimetry and Medical Countermeasure Development (R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant). The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support exploratory and conceptual research projects in radiation research focused on medical countermeasures, biodosimetry, and animal model development to diagnose/mitigate/treat injuries arising from radiation exposure sustained during a radiation mass casualty incident. This NOFO is intended to support the development of preliminary data to help advance high-risk, high-reward projects needed for a robust early product development pipeline that can lead to the advancement of much-needed radiation-exposure-related tools and productsdue Date – November 1, 2024.






Dosimetry Harmony: Orchestrating Unity in Techniques

September 25-28, 2024

  • EPR Biodose 2024 Meeting.  September 25-28, 2024 at Hirosaki University in Hirosaki, Japan.  This in-person meeting is sponsored by Hirosaki University and the International Association of Biological and EPR Radiation Dosimetry (IABERD).  The theme of the scientific program is “Dosimetry Harmony:  Orchestrating Unity in Techniques” and will include invited speakers and round table discussions covering advanced uses of physical dosimeters in medicine, dosimetry in radiobiology, emergency medical response in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, and how we should use biodosimetry for an unplanned radiation exposure in the short and long term, in addition to cutting edge advances in biodosimetry and retrospective dosimetry submitted from the abstracts that are received.  There will be separate one-day, pre-meeting workshops offered for cytogenetic and EPR dosimetry. More information on the meeting including abstract submission, registration and deadlines are available on the meeting website at



  • Joint EURADOS-ICRP Training Course on the Theory and Practical Application of Codes for the Determination of Dose After Internal Contamination (organized in cooperation with IRSN)14 - 18 October 2024. Fontenay aux Roses, France. IRSN will host the Joint EURADOS-ICRP Training Course on the Theory and Practical Application of codes for the Determination of Dose after internal contamination. The objective of this training course is to inform participants and provide practical training on calculation of dose after internal contamination, using codes for implementing ICRP models. Courses will provide general information on biokinetic models, radiation decay data and S-coefficients, voxel and mesh phantoms, Monte Carlo calculation of specific absorbed fractions (SAFs), calculation of dose coefficients and limitations of the models. Practical sessions will allow the use of different software for solving biokinetic models and for calculating S-factor and dose coefficients. The courses will be given by high-level professionals, currently involved in the development of calculation codes in dosimetry, biokinetic models and the production of ICRP dose coefficients.



  • Third International NATO StTARS Workshop. Rome, Italy. November 26-29, 2024. Here, we will describe the purpose and function of software tools developed by scientific groups within NATO. These tools either allow an integrated estimation of dose (BAT, WinFRAT), or the prediction of ARS severity based on changes in blood cell counts (H-module) in the first days after an exposure to ionizing radiation. Finally, you will practice your diagnostic skills by predicting clinically relevant degrees of the ARS using a database which includes real case histories – such as those arising from the Chernobyl incident and other accidental industrial exposures. The workshop is for civilian or military personnel with a medical background or dealing with medical decision making in the field of radiological or nuclear threats.
  • 8th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection. This meeting promises to deliver the freshest updates on System revisions, innovative research, and superior networking opportunities. Click the link to sign up for updates. And remember, early interest could lead to winning a free registration before we open in early 2025



Article:Article: “Hypofractionated Preoperative Radiation Should Not Yet Be Used as Standard of Care for Extremity and Truncal Soft Tissue Sarcoma”

Dr. David Kirsch and colleagues found hypofractionated preoperative radiation should not yet be used as a standard of care for extremity and truncal soft tissue sarcoma.

Baldini EH, Guadagnolo BA, Salerno KE, Chung P, Bishop AJ, Kalbasi A, Miah A, Bedi M, Harris JP, Petersen I, Gillham C, Wiltink LM, Alektiar KM, Haas RL, Kirsch DG. Hypofractionated Preoperative Radiation Should Not Yet Be Used as Standard of Care for Extremity and Truncal Soft Tissue Sarcoma. J Clin Oncol. 2024 Sep 4:JCO2400238. doi: 10.1200/JCO.24.00238. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39231372.


Read more: Hypofractionated Preoperative Radiation Should Not Yet Be Used as Standard of Care for Extremity and Truncal Soft Tissue Sarcoma



Call for Applications: 2024 IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Program. The latest application cycle of the IAEA’s flagship program to bring more women into the nuclear field is now open. Interested women studying nuclear-related subjects at the master’s degree level are encouraged to apply to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Progra (MSCFP) by 30 September 2024. The MSCFP, which is named after the pioneering physicist Marie Sklodowska-Curie, was launched by Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi in March 2020 to support women pursuing nuclear-related careers. The MSCFP offers support to women from all IAEA Member States, addressing the need for more gender parity in the nuclear field. Since its launch, 560 women have been awarded the fellowship from over 120 countries. Awardees are studying a wide range of nuclear topics in more than 70 countries around the world.



  • AFRRI Research Biologist (GS-12). The AFRRI SRD is currently seeking to hire a Research Biologist. Applications are being accepted until September 3rd (This deadline may change). Job Duties detailed at the USA Jobs link.


  • Chief Scientist – Radiation Effects Research Foundation. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) seeks candidates for Chief Scientist at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) in Hiroshima, Japan. The Chief Scientist provides scientific leadership of the research programs at RERF in Hiroshima, Japan; leads database integration efforts; plans and conducts research and participates in research collaborations with other RERF scientists, and reports to internal and external audiences including at national and international scientific meetings.


  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Whole Body Counting and Bioassay Team Member. This team provides critical radiological monitoring of individuals in the Republic of Marshall Islands. LLNL has an opening for a Bioassay Scientist to provide moderately complex scientific and technical support for the Marshall Islands Program. The Marshall Islands program seeks to provide understanding of the long-term behavior of fallout radionuclide in coral atoll ecosystems, assess levels of human exposure, develop technical assistance and training programs, and improve understanding of radiological conditions in the Marshall Islands in support of remedial actions, island resettlement and resource development activities. The program currently operates one of the most inclusive and largest per-capita public Whole-Body Counting (WBC) Program in the world. You will be a part of the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry group/Marshall Island Program, in the Atmospheric, Earth & Energy Division. Applicants MUST be proficient in both written and spoken English and Marshallese.