A primary task of the CMCRC is education. Therefore, we have designed and implemented a web-based Radiobiology Methods teaching tool. The purpose of this “virtual textbook” is to provide to the general scientific and educational community a clear overview of radiation biology and radiation dosimetry, and to carry out ongoing updates in the chapters and interact with readers during the evolution of new advances by programs of the CMCRC.
Here are the available chapters for your access:
01.0 - Chapter I - Introduction (Purpose of the Course) _ Joel Greenberger, MD, et al_2.pdf (294.46 KB)
02.0 Chapter II - Radiobiology and Methods Textbook Table of Contents Joel Greenberger MD_2.pdf (187.61 KB)
03.0 - Chapter III - Overview _ What is Radiobiology _ Joel Greenberger, MD_2.pdf (304.32 KB)
07.0 - Chapter VII - Low Dose Rate and Sporadic High LET Radiation - Jeffrey Jones, MD, et al_2.pdf (1.37 MB)
08.0 Chapter VIII Acute Radiation Effects Total Body Subtotal Species Differences_Greenberger_Epperly_2.pdf (148.71 KB)
09.A - Chapter IX, Sec. A - Acute Radiation Effects _ CNS _ Joel Greenberger, MD, et al_2.pdf (343.63 KB)
09.B - Chapter IX, Sec. B - Acute Radiation Effects _ Skin _ Rhonda Brand, PhD_2.pdf (103.63 KB)
09.C - chapter IX, Sec. C - Acute Radiation Effects _ Immune System _ Dörthe Schaue, PhD, et al_2.pdf (618.19 KB)
09.F - Chapter IX, Sec. F - Acute Radiation Effects _ Lung _ Michael Epperly, PhD, et al_2.pdf (86.92 KB)
09.G - Chapter IX, Sec. G - Acute Radiation Effects _ Intestine _ Brian Leibowitz, PhD, et al_2.pdf (1.52 MB)
09.H - Chapter IX Sec. H - Acute Radiation Effects Rectum Bladder Prostate_2.pdf (401.45 KB)
09.I - Chapter IX, Sec. I - Acute Radiation Effects _ Kidney _ Joel Greenberger, MD_2.pdf (69.18 KB)
09.J - Chapter IX, Sec. J - Acute Radiation Effects _ Large Animal Models _ Karla Thrall, MD, et al_2.pdf (391.62 KB)
09.K - Chapter IX, Sec. K Acute Radiation Effects _ Effects of Total Body Irradiation_2.pdf (188.05 KB)
09.L - Chapter IX, Sec. L - Acute Radiation Effects _ Microenvironment _ Joel Greenberger, MD, et al_2.pdf (460.18 KB)
10.A - Chapter X Sec. A Organ Failure CNS etc_2.pdf (404.74 KB
10.C - Chapter X, Sec. C - Late Radiation Effects_Lung_2.pdf (400.47 KB)
10.D - Chapter X Sec. D Late Radiation Effects_Cardiac Barry London _2.pdf (184.76 KB)
10.E Chapter X Late Radiation Effects Section E Greenberger M.D. _2.pdf (540.61 KB)
10.G - Chapter X - Section G Primate Late Effects Methods_2.pdf (279.86 KB)
11.A Chapter XI Effect of Irradiation on Other Forms of Injury Sec A Byers, Greenberger_2.pdf (252.66 KB)
11.B - Chapter XI, Sec. B - Other Forms of Injury Thermal Burns Larry Jones, MD_2.pdf (283.62 KB)
11.C - Chapter XI, Sec. C - Other Forms of Injury Fracture Julie Glowacki, PhD_2.pdf (192.4 KB)
11.D Chapter XI Sec D Other Forms of Injury Sec D_Overpressure Concussions_Greenberger_2.pdf (120.95 KB)
15.0 - Chapter XV Methods for Study of Radiobiology Overview_Greenberger, Zhang_2.pdf (457.95 KB)
16.0 - Chapter XVI - Classic Radiobiology Methods_ Joel Greenberger, MD, et al_2.pdf (533.71 KB)
17.0 Chapter XVII New Methods Joel Greenberger_2.pdf (129.06 KB)
18.0 - Chapter XVIII Specific Techniques _ Joel Greenberge, MD_2.pdf (384.01 KB)
20.0 - Chapter XX RNA -micro, siRNA, etc__2.pdf (300.83 KB)
22.0 - Chapter XXII Proteomics and Networks_2.pdf (299.06 KB)
23.0 Chapter XXIII Chemistry of Radiation Protectors_Wipf_2.pdf (900.05 KB)
25.0 Chapter XXV Bone Marrow Transplantation - Animal Models_Himburg_Chute_2.pdf (558.52 KB)
26.0 Chapter XXVI- Bone Marrow Transplantation - Clinical and RITN_Chao_Case_Confer_1.pdf (440.72 KB)
27.0 Chapter XXVII Critical Care Medicine and Management of Mass Radiation Casualties_Greenberger_1.pdf (117.95 KB)
28.0 - Chapter XXVIII-Physical Dosimetry - Ke Sheng_1.pdf (997.74 KB)
29.0 Chapter XXIX Biodosimetry_Garty, Amundson, Laiakis, Fornace, Brenner_1.pdf (998.96 KB)
30.0 Chapter XXX Biomarkers of Radiation Injury and Medical Countermeasures MCM Effects_Greenberger_1.pdf (217.79 KB)
32.0 Chapter XXXII The NIAID CMCR Program Mission Relative to All of the Above_Andrea DiCarlo_1.pdf (678.62 KB)