University of Maryland CMCR


France Carrier, Ph.D., Co-Principal Investigator;

Isabel Jackson, Ph.D., Co-Principal Investigator;


The UMB CMCRC's goal is to develop effective and comprehensive medical countermeasures applicable to all subsets of the civilian population in the event of radiological or nuclear emergencies. This center will support the development of new medical products that will assess, diagnose, mitigate and/or treat the short- and long-term consequences of radiation exposure after a radiological/nuclear terrorist event or accidental exposure. 

Below are aims of the working projects:

Aim 1: Facilitate the development of candidate MCMs to reduce morbidity/mortality from ARS/DEARE

Aim 2: Define the mechanisms of injury at the molecular, cellular, organ, and system level that result in major morbidity/mortality (see next slide)

Aim 3: Facilitate INTERACTions to leverage the knowledge, expertise, and resources available within the CMCRs to strengthen and advance the RadNuc field

Organizational Chart: